Oh The Weather Outside Is…

Well, it has only taken 3 months for a follow up to our first blog.

Between coaching sessions, pushing funding applications and building a new model for an exciting spin off, its safe to say blog-writing has taken a back seat. Well, that’s the excuse I am sticking to anyway. With Christmas coming up and Santa Clause almost on route, I’d firstly just like to wish all of our kids, parents and close friends a very merry festive period!

It has been some effort this year and, as always, without your support we’d never be able to carry out and deliver what we love doing. For ourselves there are plenty of ideas bouncing around for next year already. One of which has recently seen us take on a short term lease at the “astro” in Peebles, situated at the back of the Leisure centre. One of our main ambitions is to try and figure out a way in how we can help aid the lack of facilities in our area for football. Sadly, there are no quick fixes. From our perspective it’s great to see other sporting hubs within the town doing well. From a footballing point of view however it’s sometimes through envied eyes. I believe the hockey club had to wait the best part of 15 years for adequate facilities and after the recent knock back of a 3G pitch, holding onto my breath for too long would potentially be disastrous. Although we feel lucky to be involved in a large majority of our aspiring kids journey’s, due to a lack of facilities we find ourselves as well as the towns footballing circle battling the same battle of what is a testing situation.

We have found that many of the kids will eventually venture elsewhere at club level. Most will explain their desire in doing so is due to the recurrence of their training/ games being called off due to waterlogged/ frozen pitches. Touching upon the hockey earlier, it’s amazing to see what they have done to maximise their potential. New teams formed, training/developing at a higher rate and sessions rolling out on a regular basis. The rugby as well as the tennis club also have a fine blue print. Floodlit pitches/courts being a main benefit. Football even with a sizeable intake have a more humble surrounding. Working from a small shed like container and a lack of pitches there is an even greater scramble come winter time.

There’s a grand old debate on how players like Dennis Law, Strachan and former greats grew up on red ash pitches and mud bath dance floors. Jumpers for goalposts and 20 a side. However there’s a fair debate that the world has moved on since then. It’s hard enough getting kids out their beds in the summer sunshine never mind the winter when it’s freezing cold.

It’s amazing where a blog can go once it has begun. Cancelled sessions over the last few weeks has obviously been an unconscious fuel for this one. It’s sadly all envy and drum banging on my part. The more I hear about another town voting to receive a 3g pitch down the road and furthermore benefiting greatly, the more I bang my head off the wall for our future generation. The newly elected councillors to their credit have been brilliant. Accommodating and understanding. So there is always hope. We at CG Elite will keep banging on the door regardless. As much as it would benefit ourselves, the bigger picture and greater wide spread hope is that one day an all singing all dancing facility will go on to benefit the hundreds of kids within the Peeblesshire and surrounding area that have a burning desire to develop on an even playing field. Bah humbug I suppose.

To finish on a positive note, by the time I’ve finally finished my ramblings, its one day closer to Christmas! Have a wonderful few weeks eating your weight in left over turkey sandwiches and selection boxes. We hope to see you all back in the New Year!!

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